2025 Edmonds in Bloom Events

Edmonds in Bloom offers you a bounty of activities and volunteer opportunities to beautify our community.

The Edmonds in Bloom board of directors is thinking a lot about you and about our plans for the summer. We will be celebrating gardening and enhancing our community through floral activities and projects.   Please check back as we update our schedule of events.

Kids Plant- May 10

The Kids Plant is normally held at the Edmonds Farmers Market in May. Edmonds in Bloom volunteers help kids pick their own colorful beach pail, adorn it with stickers, and add a variety of flowering plants for that special person in their lives.  Bring the kids down to make a special potted present!


Garden Tour – Sunday July 20 - Seattle Events

A much loved summer tradition, the Edmonds in Bloom Garden Tour takes you into some of the most beautiful private gardens in Edmonds. Don’t miss out in 2025 on one of the favorite Seattle events.  More information on the Tour and ticket sales here.



Garden Celebration- To Be Determined

Enjoy a special evening showcasing gardens of 2025 and annual activities and projects, while honoring its volunteers and donors. Featured Guest Speaker. Free public event.

Garden Recognition – June

This June, scores of  Edmonds in Bloom volunteers will canvass the residential areas and business areas looking for lovely front yard gardens and colorful storefronts. More than 150  “Edmonds in Bloom” flags will sprout in pots, planting beds and verdant gardens. It is our way of saying Thank You to all the local gardeners and business owners for helping to make Edmonds beautiful!

Garden Recognition – June 2022 Seattle Garden Tours This June, scores of Edmonds in Bloom volunteers will canvass the residential areas and business areas looking for lovely front yard gardens and colorful storefronts. More than 150 “Edmonds in Bloom” flags will sprout in pots, planting beds and verdant gardens. It is our way of saying Thank You to all the local gardeners and business owners for helping to make Edmonds beautiful!

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700 Main St

Edmonds, WA 98020


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Let's Get Personal

Edmonds Voluntteers

We are a group of volunteers passionate about gardening and the beautification of Edmonds.  We encourage you to contact us and explore joining our team at any level of time commitment. It's a great opportunity to contribute to the Edmonds Community.