Horticulture Scholarships
Each year Edmonds in Bloom reviews applicants and awards a scholarship to horticulture students who best fit our criteria for their potential in contributing to the beautification and education of the community.
Below are the awards issued for the past several years. Press on the "+" on each to expand.
I graduated from Edmonds College in December, earning my Associate's degree in Landscape Design and a Certificate in Urban Agriculture. I am currently an intern at the Elisabeth Miller Botanical Garden; my internship lasts a year, and I will finish there at the end of June. I'm starting my own business, offering garden maintenance, landscape design, and garden coaching services.”
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700 Main St
Edmonds, WA 98020
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Let's Get Personal
We are a group of volunteers passionate about gardening and the beautification of Edmonds. We encourage you to contact us and explore joining our team at any level of time commitment. It's a great opportunity to contribute to the Edmonds Community.