Be a Garden Tour Host
You’ve shoveled compost, pulled weeds, planted and picked off slugs to create a garden you are proud of.
How about sharing it with your neighbors by being part of the Edmonds in Bloom Annual Garden Tour!
All year, our Garden Selection Committee searches for notable gardens in Edmonds and Woodway to share with the community. On the third Sunday of July, the Garden Tour showcases these gardenscapes, with proceeds to benefit Edmonds in Bloom beautification and educational projects.
Garden qualities we are looking for:
We are not looking for perfection, but places visitors will enjoy and be inspired by.
- Garden must be in the 98026 or 98020 zip codes.
- A passion and pride of ownership for your creation.
- Both front and backyards must have garden interest.
- Well-established plants.
- Well-tended garden
- Safe and easy access through the garden for guests.
Other considerations:
- A sense of design, theme, or flow.
- A garden unique in style, plant diversity, color, and texture
- Interesting plant combinations.
- Garden art, water, or wildlife features.
- Surprise encounters as one progresses through the garden.
- Gardens with educational value; drought-tolerant, pollinator-friendly, sustainable, etc.
- A unique history or story.
Please complete the inquiry form for consideration.
We will be in touch to view your garden and answer any questions you may have. You may also recommend a garden at this link.
If you are interested in sharing your garden on the Tour and are not sure how to prepare it, our Garden Advisory Coordinator can pay you a visit to give you tips. Please fill out the inquiry form below to tell us about your garden.
Our Mailing Address
700 Main St
Edmonds, WA 98020
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Let's Get Personal
We are a group of volunteers passionate about gardening and the beautification of Edmonds. We encourage you to contact us and explore joining our team at any level of time commitment. It's a great opportunity to contribute to the Edmonds Community.