Edmonds in Bloom History

Edmonds in Bloom History began with two visitors from Britain
Two visitors to Edmonds in 1993 planted the seed that was to become Edmonds in Bloom. Jenny Crosland and her husband, Denys Hodder, were strolling through the streets of Edmonds when they came upon an art gallery.

In the window was a display with a floral print entitled “Edmonds in Bloom”. They wondered if the city had a “Bloom” program and went off to find out. These were no ordinary visitors. Jenny and Denys had been involved in “Bloom” programs in Britain for years. In fact, Jenny began the London in Bloom program in the 1960’s and had served as an international judge for Bloom competitions throughout Europe. In addition to promoting tourism, these competitions used beautification as a way to showcase neighborhood pride.
The art print they saw in the gallery window was the result of a local summer art competition begun to capture and promote the beauty of Edmonds through the eyes of artists.
Jenny and Denys explored Edmonds and thought it to be the perfect setting for the European version of a residents’ Bloom competition. They spoke with the Edmonds Visitors Bureau Director, Carolyn Johnson, who found the idea intriguing. She referred them to local business woman, Josephine (Fye) Lloyd who, as a Brit, was quite familiar with Britain in Bloom, the floral competition in her native country.
Edmonds in Bloom was born
So, in 1995 the idea of Edmonds in Bloom came to fruition. Under the leadership of local businesswoman, Josephine (Fye) Lloyd, Parks Director, Arvilla Ohlde, and Carolyn Johnson, the program began.
The first event was a Patrons Garden Party September 17, 1995 at the Dominican Reflection Center. It was a fundraiser for the Garden Competition held in 1996. The competition has evolved into a Garden Recognition event, with 100 residences and businesses honored for outstanding floral displays.
The very first Garden Competition was held in July and August 1996, with fourteen judges evaluating 108 garden entries. Judging took place in three major categories: commercial, multi-family, and single-family residential. Ciscoe Morris, Seattle University Grounds & Landscape Manager (at that time) and “broadcast personality”, was one of the judges. A total of 37 prizes were awarded in each category, with a First Place prize of $200. The prizes were given out at the first Garden Party in September from 2-5 pm, held at the Dominican Reflection Center. Early donors included The Wooden Spoon, Teri’s Toy Box, The Papery, Ed Hume Seeds, the Floretum Garden Club, and the Edmonds Visitors Bureau.

After a very successful competition, the idea for a garden tour began in 1997. The Garden Tour was the organization’s signature event, with more than 700 guests participating each year. This First Garden Tour, called “Six Gardens” was held on Sunday, June 22 from 1 to 4 pm and it cost $15 for each ticket. Katie Niva was the garden chair. Also that year, Jenny Crosland was honored as a Member of the British Empire or MBE by Queen Elizabeth II in the spring of 1997. She was cited for her years of volunteer work, including initiating the London in Bloom Program in the 1960’s and the Britain in Bloom Program, serving as its chairman and national judge. She was appointed to represent Britain as a judge for a pan-European competition held with Ireland, the UK, Holland, Germany, France, Austria, Portugal, Hungary, and Belgium. The end-of-year Garden Party was held at City Park. Also, that year, an agreement was signed between the Edmonds Arts Commission and Edmonds in Bloom, allowing the Arts Commission to retain the rights to use “Edmonds in Bloom” on posters “in perpetuity”. The agreement stated they may relinquish to Edmonds in Bloom its rights to produce the poster in any given year.
The Spring Gardening Festival started in 2000, evolved into the very popular Kids Plant for Mom’s Day, which was formally offered in 2007. It is the day before Mother’s Day and kids plant containers for their mothers at the Edmonds Farmers Market. In 2018, the event hit a record, with almost 200 children planting their Moms a beautiful arrangement in just three hours!
A board of directors and committees plan and execute the main events: Kids Plant for Mom’s Day, Garden Recognition, Garden Party and the Garden Tour. Hundreds of volunteers make these events successful. Proceeds from the tour, events and donors help fund the projects Edmonds in Bloom supports each year.
Our mission is to promote the floral beautification of the community by uniting the residents, organizations and businesses of Edmonds, support horticultural education and create a better place to live, work and visit.
As a 501 (c)(3) organization, Edmonds in Bloom will continue its mission of helping to make Edmonds the beautiful place it is today.
Carol Murray, Barbara Chase, Bill Taylor, Maxine Mitchell, BarryTharp, Jeanne Thorsen,
Barbara Norgaard-Reid, Joyce Johnson
Past Presidents of Edmonds in Bloom History:

- 1995-98 Josephine Fye
- 1998-2000 Ruth Clark
- 2000-01 Bill Taylor
- 2001-03 Ramona Faires
- 2003-04 Stephanie Van Winkle
- 2004-05 Penny Wight
- 2005-06 Stephen Clifton
- 2006-07 Barry Tharp
- 2007-09 Barbara Norgaard-Reid
- 2009-10 Sue Austneberg
- 2010-11 Joyce Johnson (interim)
- 2011-13 Larry Temple
- 2013-15 Maxine Mitchell
- 2015-17 Kathy Ludgate
- 2017-2019 Jeanne Thorsen
- 2020-2023 Carol Murray

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Edmonds, WA 98020
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We are a group of volunteers passionate about gardening and the beautification of Edmonds. We encourage you to contact us and explore joining our team at any level of time commitment. It's a great opportunity to contribute to the Edmonds Community.