Thank you to our 2022 Bloomers!

Dahlia Bloomers

Chris & Terri McDevitt
Lynn Kloke
Barbara Steller & Frank Caruso
Ken Marvel & Terri Alexander

Iris Bloomers

Ms. Devi & Mr. Page
Carol Murray
Ron & Michelle Clyborne
Bill & Maxine Mitchell
Jeanne Thorsen & Tom Mayer
Cynthia & Roger Petrie
Heidi Spillane, Graphic Design
Heidi & Shane DeBoer
Arista Wine Cellars
Chris & Anna Gardner
Ken Marvel & Terri Alexander

Sunny Strong
Elizabeth Messerschmitt
Cline Jewelers
Kirsten Paust
Carol Mannion
Margaret Camden
Joyce Johnson
Beth Sanger
Myron & Lynn Phillips
Carol & Erik Pearson
Jeanette North
David Niven
Edmonds Chamber of Commerce
Steve & Cam Lanier
Karen Swenson
Nanette Straw
Adel Sefrioui

Kali Kelnero
Anthony & Elizabeth Naughton
Robert & Anita Shoup
Barbara Chase
Edith Moubray
Shirley Ramuta
Linda Borofka
Vivian Olson
Wiggins Properties, LLC
Kathleen Archer
Ellen Myers
Gus Blake
Deirdre Miller
PCC Markets Edmonds
Sprouts Lynnwood
QFC Edmonds
Ed & Joanne Hedges
Caroline Normann
Patty DeSamLazaro
Paul Kandel & Sandra Christianson
SE Treadgold
Richard & Diana McIntosh
Rebecca Wagner
Dylan Mustach
Jane Curtis-Bjork
David & Donna Varnau
Gary & Janice Kirkpatrick
Ginnie Wirtala
John & Bonnie Magnuson
North Sound Church
Carol Christiansen
Carolyn & Samuel Lord
Safeway Edmonds
Lesley Bell
Our Mailing Address
700 Main St
Edmonds, WA 98020
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Let's Get Personal
We are a group of volunteers passionate about gardening and the beautification of Edmonds. We encourage you to contact us and explore joining our team at any level of time commitment. It's a great opportunity to contribute to the Edmonds Community.