Spring Newsletter
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Read MoreEasy Edmonds Winter Garden Tasks
March has gotten off to a good start with longer days and glimpses of the sun here and there, along with snowy, frosty mornings as well. Although you may feel your garden is mostly sleeping this time of year, there are many winter garden tasks we can do to get a jump start on the…
Read MoreSpring Pruning For Shrubs
Spring is such a beautiful time of year! The birds have come back and are singing, early bulbs lift their cheerful heads, and the newly warming sun entices new leaves to emerge from trees and shrubs. We also feel the energizing pull of spring and the itch to begin pruning becomes strong. But before we…
Read MoreFavorite Gardening Resources
Where do you go for gardening information? Please give us your favorite sources in the comments. We are buildng a page specifically for NW Gardening Resources. Gardeners’ preferred resources might include trusted books, university websites, phone apps, and (last but certainly not least) seed packets and seed company websites. Here are a few of ’…
Read MoreEdmonds Spring Planting Preparation
Keep your blooms looking vibrant this summer with a few handy tips! No matter how big or small (think containers) your garden is, most flowering plants will benefit from some soil preparation and fertilizing. In the Pacific Northwest, where all our lovely rain can leach the soil of nutrients, it’s particularly important to make sure…
Read MorePutting Your Garden to Bed for the Winter in Edmonds
By Maxine Mitchell. As the days grow shorter and chillier, homeowners need to conduct the age-old practice of “putting the garden to bed” for the winter. “What is that?” you might ask. Well, it’s a lot of things, but essentially, it’s doing a final pruning and clean-up and making sure your plants are protected for…
Read MoreUpcoming Year
Today is a blustery day in Edmonds, yet from my cozy armchair I look out and smile with expectancy at my Arnold’s Promise witch hazel, its dazzling yellow blossoms reassuring me that spring, and warmer gardening days, are on the way. Winter here in Edmonds is typically a season for armchair gardening. In the midst…
Read MoreGratitude for our Gardens!
Tis’ the season for list making, grocery shopping and garden care. Flurrying around seeing family, friends and spreading good cheer, the garden waits calling quietly for attention. This time of year, my reflections turn to what I am grateful for in my life. While outdoors in the garden, editing the environment without headphones or a…
Read MoreHandy tips to keep your blooms looking vibrant this summer!
No matter how big or small (think containers) your garden is, most flowering plants will benefit from some soil preparation and fertilizing. In the Pacific Northwest, where all our lovely rain can leach the soil of nutrients, it’s particularly important to make sure your plants have the right sustenance to keep them looking great. Spring…
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