Handy tips to keep your blooms looking vibrant this summer!


No matter how big or small (think containers) your garden is, most flowering plants will benefit from some soil preparation and fertilizing. In the Pacific Northwest, where all our lovely rain can leach the soil of nutrients, it’s particularly important to make sure your plants have the right sustenance to keep them looking great.

Spring is the perfect time to prepare your plants for bloom. Edmonds In Bloom’s own Master Gardener and Board member, Maxine Mitchell, has these five handy tips to share:

  1. Wait to plant until your soil is “workable”. To test the moisture content, squeeze a ball of soil in your hands, then touch it or drop it.  If it crumbles easily, it’s workable.  If it stays in a ball, it’s not ready.
  2. If you can, get a soil test to check the pH of your soil - well worth it! It will guide you in knowing what your soil needs.  The WSU Extension Office in Everett has information on soil kits.
  3. Add organic amendments such as bagged or homemade compost, dry grass, peat moss or well-rotted manure. Till or use a spading fork to work it into the first 6-8 inches. Break up the large clods of dirt with a hoe or rake, removing rocks and twigs; then, rake it smooth and level.
  4. Add fertilizer, following the directions on the package. A general, all-purpose fertilizer is fine, but you might want something specific to the plants you’re growing.  Thoroughly work the fertilizer into the bed, then rake smooth.
  5. If you can, wait a day until planting to make sure the soil is settled and any air pockets are gone.

Happy gardening!